XEC Recruitment

Executive Search

Sourcing Executive Technology & AI Talent with XEC


Looking for executive technology talent?
You're in the right place.

Our executive talent team will source and acquire top technology talent from leading businesses in order to bring vision & strategic excellence to your organisation. 


Who do we hire for?
Select your role(s).

Our Executive Search team can locate, qualify and recruit top technology leaders worldwide. Our proprietary strategic approach has successfully landed leaders at top international businesses and roles we typically fill are: Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief AI Officer (CAIO), Head of E-commerce, Chief Architect, Head of Operations. 

AI Leadership Roles

CAIO, Director of AI Strategy, Head of AI Product Management

Product Leadership Roles

CPO, Head of Product Development, SVP of Product Management

Data Leadership Roles

CDO, VP of Data Science, Director of Machine Learning,

Architecture & Infrastructure

Chief Architect, Head of Cybersecurity, Director of Operations

Get it right the first time. Partner with XEC.

Recruiting for Senior Leaders is the first step in building out a great technology team, we understand that getting talent right is at the heart of every successful operation and we are with you every step of the way. 

Executive Search with XEC

Built for Executive Recruitment

XEC Recruitment is built with executive recruitment at the core of what we do. We understand that hiring for leadership roles in AI & technology is something that businesses need assistance with and it all begins with the vision, we help refine, define and source talent that meets your requirements. 

Taking the Lead

Executive Search is competitive, finding the right talent for your business is difficult, and retaining that talent is hard, so we work with you to define incentive structures, target candidates and provide detailed information on salary expectations, role requirements and more. 

Rigorous Search & Selection Process

With roots in technology & AI Search & Selection, XEC Recruitment emphasizes rigorous screening and interviewing. Our goal is to bring you the best talent available, focusing on quality over quantity.

Technology & AI Technology Careers

We understand the high standards set for permanent hires in for leadership positions within UK companies. Successful candidates typically have strong backgrounds in their respective fields and possess the skills necessary to drive technological innovation.

Get it right. Build with XEC.

Whether scaling a team, starting a technology team or even finding a leader to help start this process, XEC Recruitment is your partner, every step of the way. 

"Senior AI Leadership is in high demand, so I appreciate the XEC team for balancing this with the competitive landscape, expectations of talent, and salary ranges. They really helped us navigate these waters."

H. Waters, London, CEO