XEC Recruitment

AI in Scotland: The Next AI Startups to Explode

XEC Recruitment
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Scotland, particularly Edinburgh, is fast becoming a hub for AI innovation. With a rich ecosystem of research institutions, supportive government policies, and a vibrant startup culture, the region is poised & ready to produce the next wave of AI startups. Here are some of our favourite examples of how AI in Scotland will revolutionise the British landscape.


The AI Ecosystem in Scotland

University of Edinburgh: A Catalyst for Innovation

The university of Edinburgh showing AI in Scotland's capital Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh plays a pivotal role in fostering AI innovation. As a leading institution in AI research, it hosts several AI centres and initiatives. Notably, the university is set to host three new AI training centres, focusing on robotics, biomedical innovation, and natural language processing. These centres aim to train the next generation of AI leaders and innovators, positioning Edinburgh as a key player in AI development.

Impact: The University of Edinburgh’s commitment to AI research and development supports the growth of these startups. Hosting three AI training centres underscores the university’s role in nurturing talent and fostering innovation in AI. These centres will train doctoral students in applying AI to various fields, including robotics, biomedical innovation, and natural language processing, further enhancing the region’s AI capabilities.


XEC Recruitment: Leading AI Talent Acquisition

Based in Edinburgh, XEC Recruitment is at the forefront of connecting top AI talent with innovative companies. They are the leading AI recruitment agency, sourcing for executive talent, developers, consultants and even Fractional CTO’s & CAIO’s. XEC Recruitment ensures that businesses find the best fit for their needs. Their deep understanding of the AI sector and commitment to excellence, positioning, marketing and sales make them the go-to agency for hiring AI professionals in Scotland and beyond.

Impact: XEC Recruitment leads the way in supporting businesses of all sizes build their organisational strategy and teams from consulting on org design all the way through sourcing, inviewing and placing candidates, they are committed to finding the right talent for businesses, not just the right talent at the right time, not just ‘who is available now’.


CodeBase: Fueling Scotland’s Tech Revolution

Codebase Edinburgh the tech incubator in Edinburgh

CodeBase is the UK’s largest technology incubator, playing a crucial role in Scotland’s tech ecosystem. Located in Edinburgh, it provides a vibrant community and comprehensive support for startups and scale-ups, particularly in the AI and tech sectors.

Key Features:

  • Workspace: Offers flexible office spaces designed for tech startups.
  • Community: A collaborative environment with networking opportunities and events.
  • Support Services: Access to mentorship, funding advice, and business development resources.

Impact: CodeBase has been instrumental in fostering innovation, helping numerous startups grow and succeed. It acts as a catalyst for the tech industry, supporting companies like Skyscanner and FanDuel in their early stages. The incubator’s resources and community-driven approach make it a cornerstone of Scotland’s burgeoning AI and tech landscape.


Top Emerging AI Startups in Scotland

OK so let’s dive into our list of exploding AI startups in Scotland, this list is in no particular order and we will be publishing a full list of startups and their funding, status, & the wider AI job market in Scotland in our XEC Report coming shortly.

1. Brainnwave

Brainnwave AI homepage screenshot

Overview: Brainnwave offers an AI-powered data analytics platform that helps businesses unlock the value of their data. Their technology integrates various data sources, providing actionable insights that drive decision-making.

Why It’s Set to Explode: Brainnwave’s ability to harness big data and transform it into strategic assets makes it a valuable tool for industries like finance, healthcare, and energy. Their innovative approach and robust technology have already attracted significant attention and investment.


2. Continuum Industries

Continuum Industries homepage screenshot

Overview: Continuum Industries uses AI to optimize infrastructure planning. Their platform helps engineers design more efficient and sustainable infrastructure projects by leveraging AI to simulate and analyze different design scenarios.

Why It’s Set to Explode: With the global push towards sustainable development, Continuum Industries’ focus on optimizing infrastructure for sustainability positions them well to capitalize on this trend. Their technology promises to revolutionize how infrastructure projects are planned and executed, making them a key player in the AI landscape.


3. Neurolabs

Neurolabs homepage screenshot

Overview: Neurolabs specializes in computer vision and image recognition technologies. They develop AI algorithms that can accurately recognize and process visual data, making them applicable in various industries, from retail to healthcare.

Why It’s Set to Explode: As computer vision technology becomes more integrated into everyday applications, Neurolabs’ advanced algorithms and practical solutions will likely see widespread adoption. Their focus on real-world applications ensures their relevance and growth potential.


4. Pasabi

Pasibi homepage screenshot

Overview: Pasabi provides AI-driven cybersecurity solutions, focusing on fraud detection and prevention. Their technology can identify fraudulent activities and protect businesses from various cyber threats.

Why It’s Set to Explode: With the increasing incidence of cyber threats, the demand for robust cybersecurity solutions is at an all-time high. Pasabi’s innovative approach to fraud detection and prevention makes them a crucial player in the cybersecurity space.


5. Speech Graphics

Speech Graphics homepage screnshot

Overview: Speech Graphics develops AI technologies for real-time lip-syncing and facial animation. Their solutions are used in gaming, entertainment, and virtual reality to create lifelike character animations.

Why It’s Set to Explode: The rise of immersive technologies and the increasing demand for realistic digital characters give Speech Graphics a significant edge. Their technology enhances user experience in gaming and entertainment, positioning them for rapid growth.


6. Roslin Technologies

Roslin technologies homepage screenshot

Overview: Roslin Technologies utilizes AI to drive advancements in agricultural biotechnology. Their focus includes sustainable farming practices and enhancing crop yields through precise genetic modifications.

Why It’s Set to Explode: With a global emphasis on sustainable agriculture, Roslin Technologies’ innovative AI applications in biotech are crucial for future food security, making them a key player in the agri-tech sector.


7. Amiqus

Overview: Amiqus leverages AI to simplify compliance and onboarding processes. Their platform automates identity verification and anti-money laundering checks, streamlining regulatory compliance for businesses.

Why It’s Set to Explode: As regulatory requirements become more stringent, Amiqus’ AI-driven solutions offer a significant advantage in reducing compliance costs and improving efficiency, positioning them for rapid growth.


8. Criton (now Nonius)

Overview: Criton uses AI to enhance the guest experience in the hospitality industry. Their platform provides personalized digital concierge services, offering tailored recommendations and streamlined communication for hotel guests.

Why It’s Set to Explode: With the hospitality sector increasingly focusing on personalized guest experiences, Criton’s AI-powered platform meets a growing demand, ensuring they are well-placed for substantial growth.


9. Malted AI

Overview: Malted AI specializes in natural language processing and AI-driven content generation. Their tools assist businesses in creating engaging and contextually relevant content at scale.

Why It’s Set to Explode: The demand for high-quality content across digital platforms is skyrocketing, and Malted AI’s ability to generate relevant and engaging content using AI positions them as a significant player in the digital marketing space.


10. Gigged.AI

Gigged AI screenshot of homepage

Overview: Gigged.AI is an AI-driven platform for sourcing tech talent. It connects businesses with freelancers and contractors through AI-powered matching and management tools.

Why It’s Set to Explode: As the gig economy grows, Gigged.AI’s innovative approach to talent sourcing and management meets the increasing demand for flexible and skilled tech workers .


11. Net AI

Net AI screenshot of homepage

Overview: Net AI offers AI-driven mobile traffic analytics. Their platform helps telecom companies optimize network performance and user experience by analyzing mobile traffic data.

Why It’s Set to Explode: With the surge in mobile data usage, Net AI’s solutions are crucial for telecom operators aiming to enhance network efficiency and customer satisfaction.


12. Level E Research

Level E screenshot of homepage

Overview: Level E Research provides AI solutions for investment management. They develop algorithms that help financial institutions make better investment decisions through predictive analytics.

Why It’s Set to Explode: The financial sector’s increasing reliance on data-driven insights positions Level E Research for significant growth as they offer advanced AI tools for smarter investment strategies.


13. Coastr

Coastr screenshot of homepage

Overview: Coastr is a marketplace platform for small car hire agencies, offering AI-driven solutions for car rentals. Their technology enhances customer experience and operational efficiency.

Why It’s Set to Explode: With the rise of mobility services, Coastr’s AI-driven platform meets the needs of smaller car hire companies looking to compete with larger players by providing superior customer service and operational efficiency.


14. Bird.i (now Zonda Satellite)

Overview: Bird.i provides up-to-date satellite imagery for businesses to make informed decisions. Their platform uses AI to analyze and deliver insights from satellite data.

Why It’s Set to Explode: The increasing demand for real-time data in sectors like agriculture, construction, and environmental monitoring makes Bird.i’s AI-powered satellite imagery platform a valuable tool for businesses needing timely and accurate information.


These startups, alongside others previously mentioned, underscore the dynamic and innovative AI landscape in Scotland. Their diverse applications of AI across various industries highlight the region’s potential to drive substantial technological advancements and economic growth.



Scotland’s AI landscape is set to witness explosive growth, driven by innovative startups and robust support from institutions like the University of Edinburgh. As these startups continue to innovate and expand, they will contribute significantly to the global AI ecosystem. XEC Recruitment plays a crucial role in this ecosystem, ensuring that top AI talent is matched with opportunities that drive both individual careers and organizational success. The synergy between emerging startups, academic excellence, and strategic recruitment positions Edinburgh as a leading hub for AI innovation.



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